Business 360 Managed Services

Virtualization Hyper-V VMware

Server and Desktop Virtualization​

Virtualization allows you to maximize your hardware investment by running multiple virtualized servers on a single hardware host. This allows you to cut hardware costs and operational overhead by eliminating the need to deploy a physical server for each application.

The ability to move virtual machines (VMs) seamlessly between physical servers minimizes downtime and improves business continuity.


Hyper-V is Microsoft’s native virtualization platform and is built into current versions of Windows server. This is often the most cost-effective way to virtualize your servers and data center. We can migrate your existing servers to a Hyper-V virtualized environment with ease.


VMware is a 3rd party platform for virtualization and has long been used by many organizations. While we typically setup new clients with Hyper-V solutions due to the cost and ease of use, we are well versed in the VMware platform as well. If you have an existing VMware solution in place we can manage and support your network.

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