Free Cybersecurity Training video, Employee Tips and Policy Templates for Working From Home

cyber security tips training video policy templates work from home

Working from home can pose many cybersecurity risks. As many organizations have been forced to begin operating from a remote work environment, more employees than ever before have started working from home. The problem with this is that working remotely poses new cybersecurity risks to organizations that they likely have not dealt with up until now. Cybercriminals are diligently working to take advantage of these changes, hoping that employees will let their guard down or slip up by continuing to practice poor cyber hygiene in an environment that has many risks that are often overlooked.

Criminals have always taken advantage of disasters and global news to “lure” in their victims and attempt to trick them into giving up personal information or click on a malicious link. With thousands of people now working from home, learning new technology, and surrounded by distractions and fear – we have created a perfect storm for cybercriminals.

As many of the businesses in our community have shifted to a work from home environment to keep their doors open, we want to ensure that these businesses aren’t putting themselves at greater risk later down the road. Working remotely has its perks, but also comes with distractions and risks. We’re seeing a huge rise in COVID-19 scams which can pose a major risk to the security of our local businesses.

Watch and share this quick, 6-minute work from home training video with your employees. This short training video is a great way to educate your staff on some of the new responsibilities that come along with working from home.

This quick transition to working from home has created an unfamiliar environment for a lot of employees. The situation and surroundings can alter your state of mind and allow you to let your guard down – especially when in the comforts of your own home surrounded by pets and family members.

Cybercriminals are looking to take advantage of these business disruptions through deceitful tactics. Ensuring that your business stays safe and secure is our top priority so that with all the other chaos in our lives today, a cyberattack does not cause further disruption.

In addition to the training video above we have 3 other free resources for you.

  • Our Employee Work From Home Checklist
    You can send this out to your employees. Use this checklist when setting up your home office to create a safe and secure work environment
  • Remote Work Tips
    These remote work do’s and don’ts and phishing tips will help you protect your company and sensitive information.
  • Remote Work Policy Templates
    These remote work policy templates are ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. They include a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy and Remote Work Guidelines.

The purpose of these policies is to address vulnerabilities associated with staff working remotely. The goal is to provide a safe and functional work environment that will allow staff to work remotely from home or any other location outside the office.

These free resources are part of our initiative to keep our community safe and working during this time of crisis, without the additional disruption and financial impact of a breach. Right now, we are all finding ourselves in unfamiliar territory in one way or another, but one thing that remains the same is the importance of keeping ourselves, our families, and our businesses safe.

If you are interested in providing low-cost cybersecurity for your company and/or team contact us at 315-473-9600 to learn more.


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The Garam Group

The Garam Group

We are your local Syracuse, NY business communications experts. We have a long history of serving our community's need for VoIP office phone systems and managed IT services. We "Make It Happen" every day for our clients!