The Garam Group Blog

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2018 Habitat for Humanity Service Project

On October 19th, The Garam Group participated in a community project under the leadership of Habitat for Humanity. Giving back to the community is important for all of us!  Here are some photos of our team rolling up our sleeves to help! *Photos by Dave Scott

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VoIP phones mobile

Need to Work Anywhere? Five Reasons to Go VoIP and Mobile Anywhere

Since the advent of email, the ability to “Work Anywhere” has been a persistent goal of technology companies. Wireless internet, 4G/LTE cellular, Skype, FaceTime: these technologies and tools have driven forward the dream of working remotely; of working how you want to work. VoIP is the latest tool in this arsenal. By moving antiquated phone

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VoIP vs. Traditional Telephone: Why Make the Change?

If you’re involved in a business of any sort, you’ve heard the acronym “VoIP” thrown around casually. It’s mentioned on conference calls and unsolicited email offers. Even the new intern goes on and on about VoIP. So, what is it and why should you or your business use it? What is it? VoIP is an

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